
共 3 条近义词

  • 左支右绌

    zuǒ zhī yòu chù

    左支右绌本指射箭时左臂撑弓、屈右臂扣弦之法。后转指应付了左面右面又感到不够。表示财力或能力不足,穷于应付。英not have enough money to cover the expenses; be unable to cope with a situation; be in straitened circumstances;[查看详情]

  • 打草惊蛇

    dă căo jīng shé

    打草惊蛇原指惩罚了别人也警戒了自己。后喻指作事不密致使人有所戒备。例空自去打草惊蛇倒吃他做了手脚,却是不好。——《水浒传》英beat the grass and frighten away the snake; (fig) act rashly and alert the enemy;[查看详情]

  • 捉襟见肘

    zhuō jīn jiàn zhǒu

    捉襟见肘衣服破烂拉一下衣襟就露出胳膊肘儿比喻生活困难或处境窘迫。英have too many difficulties to cope with; pull down one's jacket to conceal the raggedness,only to expose one's albows;[查看详情]