
共 3 条近义词

  • 现身说法

    xiàn shēn shuō fă

    现身说法佛教指佛现出各种身形向人讲说佛法。现比喻以自己亲身经历说明道理劝导别人。例亦于十方界中现身说法。——宋释道原《景德传灯录》英advise sb. or explain sth. by using one’s own experience as an example;[查看详情]

  • 上行下效

    shàng xíng xià xiào

    上行下效指上面的人怎样做下面的人就跟着怎么做。多用于贬义。英follow the example set by the superior; the inferiors imitate the superiors;[查看详情]

  • 以身作则

    yǐ shēn zuò zé

    以身作则以自身的实际行动给人做出榜样。英set an example by one's own action; play an examplary role;[查看详情]