共 12 条近义词
师法在学问和技艺上效法。例言禹功甚当可师法。——《书皋陶谟》注。故有师法者,人之大宝也;无师法者人之大殃也。——《荀子儒效》值得师法的地方颇多。英imitate;师傅传授的学问和技术。例不失师法。英knowledge or technique handed down by one's master;[查看详情]
借鉴把别的人或事当镜子对照自己以便吸取经验或教训。例借鉴外国的经验。英benefit from sth.; draw lessons from certain experiences; use for reference;[查看详情]
效仿模仿;效法。英follow the example of;[查看详情]
仿制模仿制作。英copy; be modelled on;[查看详情]
仿效仿照效法。英imitate; ape; copy; be modelled after;[查看详情]
效法仿照别人的做法去做学习别人的长处。例他治学严谨值得效法。英follow the example of; imitate; follow in the footsteps; follow suit; model ofter; strike in with;[查看详情]
因袭效仿。指沿用过去的规章制度或方式方法。例法度无所因袭。——《汉书刘歆传》因袭陈规。英follow; copy; carry on as before; continue in the same old rut;[查看详情]
抄袭照抄别人的当做自己的。例抄袭别人的文章。英plagiarize; copy; borrow;包抄奔袭。例抄袭顽匪。英launch a surprise attack on the enemy by making a detour;[查看详情]
模拟模仿仿效。例模拟飞行。汝可模拟得之。——清林觉民《与妻书》英imitate; simulate;[查看详情]