共 3 条近义词
道听途说路上听来的消息。指没有根据的传闻。例小说家者流盖出于稗官街谈巷语,道听途说者之所造也。——《汉书艺文志》英hearsay; what is spoken and heard in the street; pick up what has been heard on the way;[查看详情]
望风扑影知道的并不确实而据以作无把握、无定向的寻求。同“捕风捉影”英chase the wind and clutch at shadows—make groundless accusations; be taken in by rumours; on a false wrong scent;[查看详情]
捕风捉影风和影都是无形的东西形容言行的立论没有事实根据凭空臆想。例若悠悠地似做不做,如捕风捉影,有甚长进!——宋朱熹《学一》英catch at shadows; run after a shadow; make accusations on hearsay;[查看详情]