共 6 条近义词
杀人越货杀害人命抢夺财物。例一伙杀人越货的强盗。英kill a person and seize his goods; commit murder and robbery; loot and kill;[查看详情]
明火执仗胆敢于夜间公然持火照明携带器仗入室抢劫。形容明目张胆地为非作歹毫无顾忌。英armed robbery committed openly; armed attack with torches; carry torches and weapons in a robbery;[查看详情]
趁火打劫利用失火的混乱时机行劫比喻趁人之危从中取利。英try to profit from another’s misfortune; rob the owner while his house is on fire;[查看详情]
谋财害命图谋财物而杀害人命。例无异于谋财害命。英kill for money; have designs against (on) sb.; murder sb.for his money;[查看详情]
为非作歹做违法的事做令人痛恨的事。例你待为非作歹瞒心昧己,终久是不牢坚。我说的是好话不过叫你心里留神并没叫你去为非作歹。——《红楼梦》到了二十岁,便不念书了跟在毕植本身边,趁空便跑了出去为非作歹。——清南亭亭长《中国现代记》英do evil things; perpetrate ou[查看详情]