共 6 条近义词
挖肉补疮比喻只图眼前用有害的方法来应急。英cut out a piece of flesh to patch a boil; rob one's belly to cover one's back;[查看详情]
东扶西倒从这边扶起又向那边倒下。形容难以培养扶植或没有主见。例笑杀槿篱能耐事东扶西倒野酴醿。——宋杨万里《世南荡》英brace up one while the other tumbles down;[查看详情]
捉襟见肘衣服破烂拉一下衣襟就露出胳膊肘儿比喻生活困难或处境窘迫。英have too many difficulties to cope with; pull down one's jacket to conceal the raggedness,only to expose one's albows;[查看详情]
左右为难左右都受限制处处不得其便。例一时左右为难不知如何是好。英in a dilemma; in an awkward predicament;[查看详情]
顾此失彼两者不能同时兼顾。例钱粮输纳必有定限,……限有定而百姓闲时办银逢限上纳,无顾此失彼之虑。——清黄六鸿《钱谷比限》英take one into consideration to the neglect of the other; attend to one thing and lose sight of another;[查看详情]