共 6 条近义词
不可终日一天也过不下去。形容内心极度不安或局势极为紧迫。英be in a desperate situation; be unable to carry on even for a single day;[查看详情]
惶恐不安形容惊慌害怕心神不宁。英jittery; be confusecd and uneasy;[查看详情]
食不甘味吃东西不知滋味形容有心事烦忧不安或指身体不适。例寡人卧不安席食不甘味。——《战国策楚策》英have no appetite for food; eat without relish;[查看详情]
心烦意乱由于忧虑或不安而心情烦躁思绪纷乱。例心烦意乱不知所从。——战国楚屈原《卜居》英distrait; be annoyed and perplexed; be confused and worried;[查看详情]
如坐针毡形容心神不宁不得安生。例精神上的痛苦使人如坐针毡。英be on hot coals; be on nettles; be on pins and needles; feel as though one was lying on a bed carpet; walk on thorns;[查看详情]