
共 3 条近义词

  • 残渣余孽

    cán zhā yú niè

    残渣余孽孽:邪恶的东西。比喻残余的坏人或恶势力。英evil elements from the old society; dregs of the old society;[查看详情]

  • 城狐社鼠

    chéng hú shè shǔ

    城狐社鼠要掏挖狐狸恐怕毁坏城池要熏死老鼠恐怕烧灼社庙。比喻凭藉某种势力的庇护而作恶的人。英take advantage of one's or sb. else's power to do evils; the evildoes are like foxes in the city and rats in the temple;[查看详情]

  • 败类

    bài lèi

    败类败坏本民族的人。例民族败类。英scum of a community;无耻的家伙。英a shameless lout;[查看详情]