
共 2 条近义词

  • 家破人亡

    jiā pò rén wáng

    家破人亡家庭破落衰败家人亡故离散。形容家庭遭到劫难或横祸。英family ruined; be destitute and homeless; be ruined and dead; with one's family broken up and decimated; with the family extinguished and its members perished;[查看详情]

  • 离乡背井

    lí xiāng bèi jǐng

    离乡背井离开家乡去谋生。例大批农民离乡背井去寻找新的肥沃土地。英flee one's home; tear oneself away from one’s native place; turn one's back on one's native land and leave it;[查看详情]