
共 4 条近义词

  • 妙想天开

    miào xiăng tiān kāi


  • 异想天开

    yì xiăng tiān kāi

    异想天开形容想法非常离奇不可能实现。英ask for the moon; indulge in the wildest fantasy; have a very fantastic idea;[查看详情]

  • 想入非非

    xiăng rù fēi fēi

    想入非非指意念进入玄妙境界。亦喻不切实际的胡思乱想。例一个想入非非的探险家。英indulge in fantasy; neurotic; allow one's fancy to run wild;[查看详情]

  • 胡思乱想

    hú sī luàn xiăng

    胡思乱想不切实际地瞎想。例正在胡思乱想。英go off into wild flights of fancy; one's wits go a woolgathering;瞎想一些不应该去想或者是根本无法办到的事。例快别胡思乱想了年轻轻,别说这号丧气话。[查看详情]