
共 3 条近义词

  • 不劳而获

    bù láo ér huò

    不劳而获不要花费自己的劳力而取得占有权。例他们在这里过着不劳而获穷奢极欲的生活。英profit by other people's toil; reap without sowing;[查看详情]

  • 坐享其成

    zuò xiăng qí chéng

    坐享其成自己不劳动只是坐着受用他人辛劳的收获。英sit idle and enjoy the fruits of other’s work; reap where one has not sown;[查看详情]

  • 坐收渔利

    zuò shōu yú lì

    坐收渔利比喻利用别人之间的矛盾而获得利益。英reap the spoils of victory without lifting a finger; profit from others’ conflict; reap third party profit;[查看详情]