
共 3 条近义词

  • 徒有虚名

    tú yǒu xū míng

    徒有虚名空有其名声毫无实际。亦作“徒有其名”英unwarranted reputation;[查看详情]

  • 有名无实

    yǒu míng wú shí

    有名无实只具空名并无实际。英exist in name but not in reality; be merely nominal;[查看详情]

  • 名不副实

    míng bù fù shí

    名不副实徒有虚名与实际不相符合。例名不副实的作家。英be sth.more apparent than real; be sth.more in name than in reality; be unworthy of the name (title); not millitary of the name;[查看详情]