共 4 条近义词
貌合神离表面上很亲密而实际上怀有二心。英be apparently acquiescing while countrary-minded; be friendly apparently but in fact not; seemingly in harmony but actually at variance;[查看详情]
尔虞我诈互相诈骗。英each trying to cheat or outwit the other;[查看详情]
阳奉阴违当众同意背后反对。例如有日与胥徒比而阳奉阴违,名去实存者,断以白简随其后。——《明臣奏议革大户行召募疏》英overtly agree, but covertly oppose; out wardly obey but inwardly oppose;[查看详情]
虚情假意虚假的情意。形容不真诚做作。例那妖精巧言花语虚情假意地答道:…——《西游记》英phonily affection; pretended friendship false display of affection; hypocritical show of friendship;[查看详情]