
共 6 条近义词

  • 息息相关

    xī xī xiāng guān

    息息相关彼此呼吸都连在一起。比喻关系非常密切。例二者皆与扎营踞地息息相关者也。——清严复《救亡决论》英be closely bound up;[查看详情]

  • 血肉相连

    xuè ròu xiāng lián

    血肉相连像血和肉一样连在一起。比喻关系十分密切互相分不开。例趋视之,二百钱乃在其胁下皮内与血肉相连。——宋洪迈《雷击王四》英as close as flesh and blood; be linked by flesh-and-blood ties;[查看详情]

  • 唇齿相依

    chún chǐ xiāng yī

    唇齿相依嘴唇和牙齿互相依靠。比喻互相依存关系密切。例王师屡征而未有所克者盖以吴、蜀唇齿相依,凭阻山水,有难拔之势故也。——《三国志魏书鲍勋传》英be closely related and mutually dependent like the lips and teeth;[查看详情]

  • 风雨同舟

    fēng yǔ tóng zhōu

    风雨同舟在狂风暴雨中同船共渡。比喻患难与共同舟共济。英stand together through thick and thin; people in the same boat should help each other in distress;[查看详情]

  • 痛痒相关

    tòng yăng xiāng guān

    痛痒相关利害相关。例这事跟他痛痒相关他怎能不着急?英care for one another's comfort and happiness; drink one's fill; share a common lot; show concern for mutual well-being;[查看详情]

  • 十指连心

    shí zhǐ lián xīn

    十指连心十个手指的感觉很灵敏都通向心里。例哎也!焚烧十指连心痛图得三生见面圆。——明汤显祖《南柯记情尽》英The nerves of the fingertips are linked with the heart;后常用来比喻某人和有关的人或事具有极密切的关系。[查看详情]