共 5 条近义词
游刃有余比喻做事熟练解决问题轻松利落。语出《庄子养生主》:“恢恢乎其于游刃必有余地矣!”例就叫他兼了营务处的会办他也游刃有余。——《官场维新记》英do sth.with skill and ease as one who handles a butcher's cleaver expertly;[查看详情]
熟能生巧熟练了就能产生巧办法。例俗语说的“熟能生巧”舅兄昨日读了一夜,不但他已嚼出其中意味并且连寄女也都听会,所以随问随答毫不费事。——《镜花缘》英practice makes perfect;[查看详情]
能征惯战指人善于征伐作战。英be good at and used to going on expedition;[查看详情]
老马识途比喻富于经验堪为先导。例老马识途添病骨穷猿投树择深枝。——清黄景仁《两当轩集》英an experienced man knows the ropes; knowledge of a veteran; an old hand is a good guid as an old horse knows the way; the devil knows many things because he is old;[查看详情]
身经百战亲身参加过很多次战斗。例老将军身经百战。英have fought a hundred battles; be a veteran of many wars;[查看详情]