
共 4 条词语

  • 名不虚传

    míng bù xū chuán

    名不虚传流传的名声和实际相符合。例一位名不虚传的诗人。英true; deserve the reputation one enjoys; one's reputation is justified;[查看详情]

  • 名副其实

    míng fù qí shí

    名副其实名称与实质相合一致。例名副其实的美洲印第安人。英veritable; be sth.in reality as well as in name; be true to (worthy of) the name; the name matches the reality;真正的符合真实情况的。例他和他的妻子是名副其实的老资格。英real;[查看详情]

  • 表里如一

    biăo lǐ rú yī

    表里如一表面和内心一个样。形容思想和言行完全一致。例行之以忠者是事要着实,故某集注云:“以忠则表里如一。”——宋朱熹《朱子全书》英act and think in one and the same way;[查看详情]

  • 当之无愧

    dāng zhī wú kuì

    当之无愧完全够条件承当某种荣誉不用惭愧。英be worthy of; deserve the reward; fully deserve;[查看详情]