
共 2 条词语

  • 贪生怕死

    tān shēng pà sǐ

    贪生怕死一味自爱生命惧怕死亡。原指士兵作战因怕死而退缩不前。现在已逐渐产生新义即凡是在工作中怕脏、怕累、怕危险等等,皆属此列。英cravenly cling to life instead of braving death; care for nothing but saving one's skin; be mortally afraid of death;[查看详情]

  • 见利忘义

    jiàn lì wàng yì

    见利忘义只图一己私利而置道义于不顾。例某与吕布同乡知其有勇无谋见利忘义,某凭三寸不烂之舌,说吕布拱手来降。——罗贯中《三国演义》英forget morality and justice when one sees money; be actuated by mercenary views; forsake good for the sake of gold;[查看详情]