共 11 条词语
自愧不如惭愧自己不如别人。英consider oneself inferior to another; feel ashamed of one's inferiority;[查看详情]
发奋图强振作起来谋求强盛。例发奋图强打败敌国。英make a determined effort to do well;[查看详情]
不耻下问不把向学问、地位等不如自己的人请教当成可耻的事。形容谦虚、好学。例敏而好学不耻下问。——《论语公冶长》英do not feel ashamed to ask and learn from the rank and file; be modest enough to consult one's inferiors;[查看详情]
顾影自怜顾盼自己的身影独自可怜叹惜。形容身世悲凉、失意。例举头见明月顾影徒自怜。——《元文类安熙拟古》英self-affected; look at one's image in the mirror and lament one's lot;[查看详情]
自惭形秽因在相貌方面不如他人而感到惭愧泛指惭愧。英have a sense of inferiority or inadequacy; feel unworthy;[查看详情]
自知之明能正确认识自己、了解自己的长处和短处。例他真是个毫无自知之明的、狂妄的人。人贵有自知之明。英self-knowledge; wisdom to know oneself;[查看详情]
力争上游尽力争取先进。例动员大家力争上游完成计划。英endeavor to gain the upper hand; strive for the best; aim high;[查看详情]
自轻自贱自己贬低自己;自甘堕落。英belittle oneself; lack self-confidence or self-respect;[查看详情]
自暴自弃自暴,犹言自害;自弃,不求上进。指不求上进甘心落后。英be backward and have no urge to make progress; abandon oneself to despair; give oneself up as hopeless;[查看详情]