共 4 条词语
花天酒地纵情恣意于酒色。例到京之后又复花天酒地,任意招摇。——清李宝嘉《官场现形记》英indulge in dissipation; lead a life of luxury and debauchery;—亦作“酒地花天”[查看详情]
坐享其成自己不劳动只是坐着受用他人辛劳的收获。英sit idle and enjoy the fruits of other’s work; reap where one has not sown;[查看详情]
养尊处优处在尊贵的地位过着优裕的生活。例到了别驾公就有膏粱气了,养尊处优之中,做下些不明不暗事儿。——清李绿园《歧路灯》英live on the fat of the land; do oneself well; be like a lord in clover;[查看详情]
轻而易举不需要作多大的努力就能办到或对付。例能够轻而易举地获得总统职位。轻而易举地获胜了。英easy to do; easy to accomplish;[查看详情]