
共 4 条词语

  • 鸦默雀静

    yā mò què jìng


  • 万籁俱寂

    wàn lài jù jì

    万籁俱寂籁:古代的一种箫。泛指声音。万籁:指自然界中万物发出的各种声响。形容周围环境十分宁静。例林中万籁俱寂。英a great depth of stillness; all fretful stirrings of the world now hush; all in quiet and still;[查看详情]

  • 夜深人静

    yè shēn rén jìng

    夜深人静深夜人声渐减一片寂静。例夜深人静,为何叩门?——明冯梦龙《醒世恒言》英in the quiet of night; deep in the night when all is at rest;[查看详情]

  • 鸦雀无声

    yā què wú shēng

    鸦雀无声安静无一点声息。例里面依然鸦雀无声。英silence reigns and not a crow or sparrow can be heard;[查看详情]