
共 4 条词语

  • 鸡犬不宁

    jī quăn bù níng

    鸡犬不宁指骚乱及于鸡犬一切生灵都受到侵扰而不能宁静。英even fowls and dogs are not left in peace be greatly upset like a poultry yard visited by a fox;[查看详情]

  • 海水群飞

    hăi shuǐ qún fēi


  • 刀光剑影

    dāo guāng jiàn yǐng

    刀光剑影形容充满杀机的气氛或激烈的搏斗与厮杀。也形容凶险的形势。英the glint and flash of cold steel; heated combat;[查看详情]

  • 兵荒马乱

    bīng huāng mă luàn

    兵荒马乱形容战时社会动荡不安的景象。英confusion and disorder brought about by war;[查看详情]