
共 3 条词语

  • 行将就木

    xíng jiāng jiù mù

    行将就木寿命不长就要进棺材了。例但老夫行将就木只求晚年残喘。——清吴趼人《痛史》英have one foot in the grave; be getting nearer and nearer to coffin;[查看详情]

  • 日薄西山

    rì bó xī shān

    日薄西山薄:逼近。太阳快要落山。比喻事物接近衰亡或人到老年接近死亡。例臣已日薄西山,余光无几酬恩报国正在斯时。——《宋史赵普传》英declining rapidly as the sun is setting beyond the western hills; nearing one's end;[查看详情]

  • 奄奄一息

    yăn yăn yī xī

    奄奄一息只剩下微弱的气息。形容呼吸微弱濒于死亡。例贾琏走到旁边见凤姐奄奄一息,就有多少怨言一时也说不出来。——《红楼梦》英at one's last gasp; on the blink; on the verge of death;[查看详情]