共 5 条词语
悲天悯人哀叹时世艰辛怜惜人民疾苦。天:天命;悯:哀怜。例一腔悲天悯人的热情。英bewail the times and pity the people; bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of mankind feel sympathy for the world;[查看详情]
物伤其类比喻因同伙受打击而悲伤。原指动物因同类遭不幸而哀伤。英all beings grieve for the fellow beings; animals grieve for thir fellow creatures;[查看详情]
兔死狐悲比喻伤害其同类后心中孤独悲凉。英when the hare dies, the fox is grieved; like grieves for like as the fox mourns over the death of the hare;[查看详情]
同病相怜比喻因遭遇同样的不幸而共相怜恤。例同病相怜同忧相救。——《吴越春秋》英fellow sufferers have mutual sympathy; those who have the same illness sympathize with each other; adversity makes strange bedfellows; company in distress makes trouble less; fe[查看详情]