
共 5 条词语

  • 疾言厉色

    jí yán lì sè

    疾言厉色言语急迫形色严厉发愁。英harsh words and stern looks; sudden outpourings and fierce looks;[查看详情]

  • 辞严义正

    cí yán yì zhèng

    辞严义正言辞严密贴切义理正大。英speak out sternly from a sense of justice;[查看详情]

  • 声色俱厉

    shēng sè jù lì

    声色俱厉说话时声音和脸部表情都很严厉。英severe in voice and countenance; fulminate;[查看详情]

  • 开诚布公

    kāi chéng bù gōng


  • 推心置腹

    tuī xīn zhì fù

    推心置腹推己赤心置于他人之腹,比喻以至诚待人。英treat others with utmost sincerity; confide in sb.; show the greatest confidence; repose full confidence in sb.;[查看详情]