
共 5 条词语

  • 富丽堂皇

    fù lì táng huáng

    富丽堂皇谓气派华贵建筑宏传。也指文章的词藻华丽。例只见当朝圣人出的是三个富丽堂皇的题目。——《儿女英雄传》大礼堂布置得富丽堂皇。英splendid; grandeur; be beautiful and imposing; be ornate and sumptuously furnished; in majestic splendour;[查看详情]

  • 丰衣足食

    fēng yī zú shí

    丰衣足食服饰丰厚食物充足。形容生活宽裕。英have rich food and clothing; be well-fed and well-clothed; have ample food and clothing;[查看详情]

  • 家给人足

    jiā jǐ rén zú

    家给人足家家丰衣足食。英homes have adequate supplies and people live in contentment; all live in plenty; be well-to-do; with ample of support; with each family for and every person well-fed and well-elothed;[查看详情]

  • 金玉满堂

    jīn yù măn táng


  • 家道小康

    jiā dào xiăo kāng
