
共 12 条词语

  • 毁家纾难

    huǐ jiā shū nàn


  • 舍己为人

    shě jǐ wèi rén

    舍己为人原指放弃自己的见解随声附和别人。后用指舍弃自己的利益援助他人。英sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of others;[查看详情]

  • 公而忘私

    gōng ér wàng sī

    公而忘私一心为公忘了个人利益。例年轻一代必须学习老一辈无产阶级革命家公而忘私的崇高品质。英be so devoted to public interests as to forget one’s own interests;[查看详情]

  • 公私两济

    gōng sī liăng jì


  • 奉公守法

    fèng gōng shǒu fă

    奉公守法遵守国家规定的各项规章法令。例体面的人不仅自己奉公守法而且惩罚那些违法乱纪的人。英civility; be lawnabiding; carry out official duties and observe the law;[查看详情]

  • 公正无私

    gōng zhèng wú sī


  • 克己奉公

    kè jǐ fèng gōng

    克己奉公克服私心严于律己,以公事为重。英serve the public without thought of advantage to oneself; repress the private for the public;[查看详情]

  • 争先恐后

    zhēng xiān kǒng hòu

    争先恐后争着往前唯恐落后。例大家争先恐后地往车上挤。英rush off to the front; strive to be the first and fear to lag behind;[查看详情]

  • 廉洁奉公

    lián jié fèng gōng


  • 铁面无私

    tiě miàn wú sī

    铁面无私形容公正耿直、不畏权势、不徇私情。英impartial and incorruptible; completely impartial; inflexibly just and fair;[查看详情]

  • 大公无私

    dà gōng wú sī

    大公无私不为个人谋私利。例可谓大公无私也。——清龚自珍《论私》英selfless;秉公办事不偏袒某一方。英fair-minded; impartical;[查看详情]

  • 公事公办

    gōng shì gōng bàn

    公事公办办公事讲原则不讲私情。英Do business according to official principles;[查看详情]