共 5426 条词语
久而久之经过了相当长的时间。例他初到高原有点高山反应久而久之就无所谓了。英in the course of time; as time passes;[查看详情]
没完没了无穷尽。例她没完没了的牢骚。英endless; without end;[查看详情]
一模一样十分相似一个模样。英as like as two peas in a pod; be exactly alike;[查看详情]
有声有色形容说话或写文章非常生动十分精采。例写月有声有色如此后人复何从著笔耶?——清洪亮吉《北江诗话》英be vivid and dramatic; be fun of sound and colour;[查看详情]
不折不扣一点不打折扣表示完全的、十足的。英hundred per cent; pure and simple; without the slightest discount;[查看详情]
一心一意形容专心专意,毫无他念。英heart and soul; whole-heartedly;[查看详情]
各式各样多种多样;具有不同花色品种。例门都让各式各样的矿山设备阻塞了无法关上。英of every description; all kinds of;具有各种不同特征。例这个故事涉及各式各样的内容。[查看详情]
各行各业泛指所有的人所从事的各种行业。英different trades and calling; all trades and professions;[查看详情]
各种各样具有多种多样的特征。例各种各样的设备。英a great variety of;具有各不相同的种类。例各种各样的人。英different;[查看详情]
全心全意全部的精力和感情。例已经表示要全心全意效忠政府。英whole-heartedly; heart and soul; with complete devotion; with all one's heart and soul;[查看详情]
天网恢恢天的禁网虽然广大而宽疏但为恶者却极少能漏脱。例天网恢恢疏而不失。——《老子》英the net of Heaven has large meshes,but it lets nothing through; mills of God grind slowly but surely; justice has long arm;[查看详情]
杀气腾腾原义是形容要杀人的凶恶气势现在常用来形容一种险恶的气氛。英with a murderous look on one's face; be hellicose; be out to kill;[查看详情]
野心勃勃对领土、权力或名利有巨大而非分的欲望的。例一个野心勃勃的政客。英be too ambitious; be obsessed with ambition;[查看详情]
神采奕奕精神饱满的样子;容光焕发的样子。英glowing with health and radiating vigour;[查看详情]
文质彬彬原指人的文采和实质配合适当。形容气质温文尔雅行为举止端正。英gentle; balance of outward grace and solid worth; combination of elegance end plainness;[查看详情]
气势汹汹形容盛怒时很凶的样子也形容气焰很盛,来势凶猛。例从门外闯进三个气势汹汹的年轻人。英fierce; truculent;[查看详情]